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Tuesday, 12 October 2004
Power Tower Sabotage Update
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: News
Topic: Wisconsin
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has an update on the weekend collapse of two electric transmission towers. They stopped short of calling it terrorism but do say it was caused by someone purposely removing bolts that held the towers in place.

Posted by Dean at 11:46 PM CDT
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Monday, 11 October 2004
Crossroads Highlights 10/10/2004
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Monday Night Football
Topic: Politics
Liberals can appoint judges at will, it seems but God forbid that conservatives should appoint any!

I could hardly contain my laughter at this editorial on how "entertainers counteract media bias." Two paragraphs will give you the feel:
"Moreover, as the corporate-controlled news media continues to give Bush a free pass on critical matters of war and peace, members of the entertainment industry have found movies and documentaries to be an excellent method to convey to the American people and the world information that has been either outright censored or obfuscated by the heads of such giant media conglomerates as the News Corporation, Disney, General Electric and Time Warner.

...Hollywood has provided the American people with truthful accounts of the machinations of the Bush political machine through big-screen offerings such as Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11"; Robert Greenwald's "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism"; Jeremy Earp's and Sut Jhally's "Hijacking Catastrophe"; John Sayles' parody of Bush, "Silver City"; and Greg Palast's "Bush Family Fortunes" -- to name a few. These producers and directors have succeeded where the big news media have utterly failed."
Uh-huh. Sure.

And a liberal's look at taxes is what Gregory Sanford gives us. Again a couple of quotes will suffice. First,
"Suppose, for instance, the state wanted to solve the health care crisis. The soaring cost of insurance partly helps to explain why jobs are slow in coming these days. Even a costly state solution could spur prosperity in which Wisconsinites would exceed in increased income what they would lose in increased taxes. But spending limits might preclude such a solution."
Right. And this,
"In a research report titled 'Limiting Government Spending in Wisconsin,' Richard Chandler cites similar numbers, except they are more dire. Close scrutiny shows that he's comparing so-called tax burdens, not raw taxes.

"The burden is the share of personal income that taxes consume. Personal income per resident (or per capita) is lower in Wisconsin than in the nation as a whole.

"...Consider, for instance, that Wisconsin's median household income actually exceeds that of the nation as a whole. So Wisconsin's typical household can better shoulder, say, $1,000 worth of tax than can the nation's typical household.

"The point is that coming up with a true tax burden will require a more sophisticated tool. In fact, a useful project (scholars, take note) would ascertain the state-by-state tax burden on specific income groups. The wealthy, of course, can more easily shoulder, say, a 10% tax rate than can the poor."
Convoluted reasoning, for sure.

Chip Duncan, "an award-winning documentary filmaker from Milwaukee," talks about the Patriot Act. This had promise but he didn't really say anything new, probably because he has a documentary appearing on Milwaukee Public Television this week. I assume all will be revealed then. Any one want to take the bet that it's against the Patriot Act?

And finally, Tom Raum ruminates about an October surprise. "It's part of American political lore: The party out of power worries about a last-minute surprise engineered by the party in power." He seems to think that Bush is the one who will need the boost. Hmmm.

Posted by Dean at 11:27 PM CDT
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Obama Must Be Confident
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Monday Night Football
Topic: Politics
He spent time in Wisconsin campaigning.

Posted by Dean at 11:21 PM CDT
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Saturday, 9 October 2004
Stem Cell Research
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: News
Topic: Social Issues
Several times during a rally with Michael J. Fox, John Kerry referred to President Bush ignoring "science in favor of ideology." I wonder if Josef Mengele would have made the same kind of argument.

I've heard many arguments pro and con but I'm not well-versed in all the minute details. I've heard adult stem cells have just as much, if not more, promise. I've also heard that many of the embryonic stem cells waiting to be used are ones that have been discarded after in vitro fertilisation and are frozen.

Michael Kinsley wrote in an May 31, 2004 TIME Magazine Op/Ed (paid archive, I'm a subscriber :^) ),
"Fertility clinics destroy far more human embryos than stem-cell research ever would, yet they are not controversial. Death or deep freeze is the fate of any embryo spared by the Bush policy from the indignity of contributing to medical progress.

"...It's not complicated. An embryo used in stem-cell research (and fertility treatments) is three to five days past conception. It consists of a few dozen cells that together are too small to be seen without a microscope. It has no consciousness, no self-awareness, no ability to feel love or pain. The smallest insect is far more human in every respect except potential."
To some, however, fertility clinics and even birth control are controversial because they view conception as the time when sperm and egg join together. As Kinsley says, "...If the microscopic dot is a human being with full human rights, the answer is easy: no stem-cell research."

He continues on, however, and labels them fanatics:
"But you don't have to be an abortion-rights advocate to reach the opposite conclusion. In fact, for abortion opponents whose views fall anywhere short of fanatical absolutism, the answer ought to be easy as well: full speed ahead (italics mine)."
The question for pro-life people to determine for themselves is "When does conception take place?" Then we have to determine how we turn that ideology into practical politics.

Posted by Dean at 11:23 PM CDT
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Sabotage at Milwaukee's Mitchell Airport?
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Baseball Playoffs
Topic: Wisconsin
There is nothing on the web, yet, but television stations WTMJ and WITI in Milwaukee are reporting a power outage at Mitchell International Airport. Reports are that two transmission towers have crashed to the ground as a result of sabotage. More when it is available.

UPDATE: WVTV now reports:
"Two utility towers fell, near the 64-hundred block of South 13th Street, in South Milwaukee Saturday evening. American Transmission Company owns the towers. They say one fell over, and hit the second tower, causing it to fall as well. Thousands of people in South Milwaukee, Cudahy, Franklin and Oak Creek were without power, including Mitchell International Airport. Officials say they have contacted the FBI. They say the situation is suspicous, but cannot confirm that it is the result of sabotage, investigators are looking into it. WE Energies officials are working to restore power. The lights were back on at the airport around 8 p.m. Stay tuned to WB 18 News at Nine for the very latest."
This is echoed by a Journal Sentinel report, as well as WDJT.

Posted by Dean at 9:57 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 October 2004 10:18 PM CDT
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Howard Wins Re-Election in Australia
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Baseball Playoffs
Topic: Politics
In the first of three elections facing the major members of the Iraqi coalition, Australia's Prime Minister John Howard's coalition appears to have increased their majority.
"With more than 70 percent of votes tallied, Howard appeared likely to increase his government's majority in parliament -- exceeding most analysts' predictions that the result would be very tight.

"The [opposition] Labor Party had vowed to bring the roughly 900 Australian troops deployed in and around Iraq home by Christmas, while Howard insisted they will stay until Iraqis ask them to leave. Australian troops have not suffered any casualties and none have combat roles."
I wonder if this might bode well for Bush?

Posted by Dean at 9:12 PM CDT
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New Wisconsin Poll
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Baseball playoffs
Topic: Politics
Thursday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel had the results of "a poll by Harris Interactive, a well-known national polling organization. The poll was commissioned by the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, a local think tank associated with conservative policies."

There were some interesting responses:
"Asked what is the most important problem facing Wisconsin, 17% of people responded by citing health issues, a much higher percentage than at any time the question was posed over the past 16 years.

"Taxes were cited by another 17% of people, which was down 5 percentage points from a year ago and among the lowest responses in all the years the poll has been done. Sixteen percent were concerned about unemployment and jobs, the same figure as a year ago and well above the long-term levels of concern about jobs."
Health care issues are uppermost in people's minds, as another question shows:
"Another indicator of the urgency attached to health care issues currently was the answers given when people were asked what issues should be given the most attention by state government.

"People were given six possible answers, and by far the largest number, 35%, selected the answer, 'controlling health care and prescription drug costs.'

"Attracting less support on that question were 'improving the state's economy' (17%), 'improving public education' (15%), 'reforming the tax system' (12%), 'placing spending limits on Wisconsin government agencies' (11%) and 'security from terrorist attacks' (7%). The remaining 3% gave a different answer or were not sure."
On another health care issue,
"an overwhelming 80% said it should be legal for Wisconsin residents to buy prescription drugs from Canada, with 17% opposed, another signal of the strong feelings attached to health issues."
Then the article moved into taxes and spending:
"People in the poll were asked, 'Would you favor or oppose a Wisconsin state constitutional amendment that would limit increases in spending by both state and local governments to the rate of inflation?'

"Overall, 67% said they favor an amendment, and 24% said they don't.

"There was majority support for the idea in every section of the state, ranging from a high of 75% in Waukesha County to 55% in the city of Milwaukee. Among people who identified themselves as Democrats, the idea was supported by 56%; among Republicans, support was 76%."
I know people feel that governments in general spend too much money. The question in my mind is if they feel all spending should be cut, or just the spending that doesn't relate to them. This poll didn't tell.

"On a second question related to taxes, people were asked, 'If the state continues to have a budget deficit, do you think the state should close it by cutting spending or raising taxes?' Seventy-eight percent of people favored cutting spending, and 14% supported raising taxes.

"And on a third question, 59% of people said that overall, they think Wisconsin's state government spends too much money, with 28% saying the state spends 'the right amount' and 6% saying it spends too little."
Very interesting responses.

Posted by Dean at 6:58 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 9 October 2004 7:00 PM CDT
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Friday, 8 October 2004
Three Are Left
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Debate Replay
Topic: History
With Gordon Cooper's death on Monday, only three of the original Mercury astronauts are still alive.

I grew up intensely interested in the space program. The space flights were covered exhaustively by the media. For a time, I even had a record of the highlights of John Glenn's three orbit flight. I wonder how much that would be worth now?

John Glenn, Scott Carpenter and Wally Schirra are the three remaining original astronauts.

Posted by Dean at 10:42 PM CDT
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Crowd at CNN Event Leans Democratic
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Red Sox- Angels
Topic: Media Bias
I saw part of the program that is described here and would have to say that I agree:
"With the help of local civic organizations, CNN producers spent a week in Racine selecting 325 people they said were equal numbers of Bush supporters, Kerry fans and undecided voters. But judging by the applause that erupted during the meeting, the crowd tilted Democratic.

"Adviser Tucker Eskew, representing Bush, drew some crowd support but not nearly as much as Devine, especially when they were asked about Iraq and the economy.

"'I think this crowd is leaning Democratic,' said Marge Henze, a retired teacher and undecided voter.

"'In terms of applause, the Democrats are making more noise,' said Republican Jim Eastman, a former Racine alderman.

"The tilt appeared evident when a Racine businessman asked what the candidates would do about the outsourcing of jobs.
'We have lost thousands of jobs in Wisconsin,' he said. 'Outsourcing has handcuffed us.' "

Posted by Dean at 5:11 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 8 October 2004 5:12 PM CDT
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"Torture of Terri Is Cruel and Inhuman"
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Baseball Playoffs
Topic: Social Issues
Al Neuharth shows what I can only describe as ignorance in an editorial in USAToday about the Terri Schiavo case in Florida. He began with a series of questions:
"If your mind is dead and your body is being kept alive artificially, who should decide when or whether you're allowed to die in peace? Your wife or husband? Your children? Your parents? Your doctor? A politician?"
He then states the facts well enough:
"1990 - Terri Schiavo, then 26, collapsed and her heart stopped, temporarily cutting off blood flow to the brain. She has been in a persistent vegetative state ever since.

"* 1998 - After doctors repeatedly said there was no hope for Terri's recovery, her husband, Michael, filed a petition to remove her feeding tube. Her parents objected.

"* Since then, in a running court battle between husband, parents and politicians, her feeding tube has been removed twice and reinserted twice, once after two days, once after six days."
So far, so good. But then he decides to blame Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida.
"Bush and his political cronies are guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment of a helpless human."
No doubt Terri is being tortured. The question is who is doing the torturing. Gov. Bush got involved at the request of the parents when it appeared that Terri's feeding tube would be removed and she would be allowed to starve to death. He is acting on behalf of the parents--one of the people mentioned by Neuharth at the beginning of his piece.

Some issues remain to be investigated concerning the circumstances of Terri Shiavo's collapse in 1990.

There are some (notably those who are siding with Terri's parents) who contend she does respond to stimuli, something someone who was in a PVS would not do. The court has disagreed.

This site attempts to take a balanced look at the situation.

Mr. Neuharth's final words, however, are good advice:
"Here's how you can avoid something similar happening to you:

"Make a living will giving a relative or friend the right to decide when the time has come to let you die in peace if you are hopelessly terminally ill. A lawyer can draw that up for $100 or so. Most states even recognize a simple piece of paper you yourself can write and sign, if you have a witness."
There seem to be no easy answers in this case and many questions. The best course is to make sure you have a living will.

Posted by Dean at 3:41 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 October 2004
GOP Gets House to Nix Draft Bill 402-2
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Baseball Playoffs
Topic: Politics
I'm not too sure about the headline, but this should put an end to all the draft talk:
"The House voted 402-2 to defeat the draft bill offered last year by Rep. Charles Rangel (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y.

"Even he urged Democrats to vote against the bill, and charged Republicans were cynically trying to use the measure to escape election-season questions about the war in Iraq (news - web sites)."
Since Rangel voted against the bill he introduced, I wonder who's really being cynical?

Posted by Dean at 10:20 PM CDT
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Police Raid Cockroach-Infested Apartment
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Just for Fun
This article left me asking if the cockroaches were showing the effects of drug use.

Posted by Dean at 10:16 PM CDT
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Robbers Steal $900K of Chocolate in U.K.
Mood:  bright
Topic: Just for Fun
This is some chocolate craving:
"Robbers with their own trucks stole six trailer loads of chocolates worth more than $900,000 from an industrial park in northeast England, police said Monday."

Posted by Dean at 10:10 PM CDT
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The Joys of Living in a Battleground State
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Vice-Presidential Debate
Topic: Politics
Columbia University Journal Review's Campaign Desk:
"Over 530,000 campaign ads have aired on TV thus far in the 2004 election. Yet those ads -- which barely rise above the creativity of a 15-second talking head -- have been seen by an ever-shrinking pool of would-be voters, as the number of swing states dwindles and the ad buys surge in the homestretch."
Living in Wisconsin, and in the largest metropolitan area of that state, I believe I've seen just about every ad. :^)

Posted by Dean at 9:20 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 October 2004 9:45 PM CDT
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Presidential Debate I
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: Vice-Presidential Debate
Topic: Politics
I have to admit, its not easy being a Bush supporter nowadays. Kerry seems to have won the debate according to most pundits and polls. As President Carter in 1980 and the former President Bush in 1992, President Bush did not look presidential while Kerry did. Andrew Sullivan said the same thing.

Though most polls show Bush with a small lead still, most of them are within the margin of error, so the candidates are basically tied.

Posted by Dean at 9:10 PM CDT
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Monday, 4 October 2004
Some People Will Sell Their Vote Cheaply
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Monday Night Football
Topic: Politics
I posted this before about a man who was trying to sell his vote on eBay. Now comes this. No matter which candidate you're for, your vote ought to mean more to you than this:
"One young man dipped his head out of his second story window directly above the pub and, Miller Lite in hand, shouted Packers score updates to the eager crowd who cheered or groaned accordingly.
At one point, the young man challenged, 'If Kerry can tell me the Packers score, he's got my vote.'

"...As the Senator approached the open door of his idling motorcade, the young man above the pub called out from above, 'What's the Packers score?'
Kerry, cupping his ear, squinted as he stared into the bright sun, and mouthed, 'What?'

"The young man repeated his plea, 'What's the Packers score?'
Without missing a beat, Kerry relayed the score as he had last known it in the Main Street Pub. The young man nodded in concurrence, gave a thumbs-up, and confirmed, 'You got my vote.' "

Posted by Dean at 10:16 PM CDT
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Fox News Channel Admits Reporter Posted Fake Story about Kerry
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Monday Night Football
Topic: Just for Fun
Perhaps this is a part of the Fox News Channel's quest to be "fair and balanced?"
"An official at Fox News Channel said that one of its political reporters has been disciplined for posting a fake news item on its website about Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry."

Posted by Dean at 10:01 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 15 October 2004 11:02 PM CDT
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Dodging the Draft? (part 2)
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Monday Night Football
Topic: Politics
As a follow-up to this post, I found this on a former page from John Kerry's web site (don't look for it there now, it's gone).
"On September 11th, 2001, America experienced the most terrible and deadly attack in its history. John Kerry believes we need to think big and do better and get more young Americans serving the nation.

"As part of his 100 day plan to change America, John Kerry will propose a comprehensive service plan that includes requiring mandatory service for high school students and four years of college tuition in exchange for two years of national service (italics mine)."
Thanks to Opinion Journal's Best of the Web for the tip.

Posted by Dean at 9:35 PM CDT
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Baseball Returns to D.C.
Mood:  amorous
Topic: Sports
I hope this team stays longer this time.
"Major League Baseball selected Washington, D.C., as the new home for the Montreal Expos on Wednesday, bringing the iconic American sport back to the U.S. capital after a 33-year absence.

"To finalize the deal, Washington's city council must approve a $440 million public financing plan to build a new stadium by selling long-term debt backed in part by a new business tax.

"In addition to building the stadium, Williams said the city would spend $13 million to renovate four-decade-old RFK Stadium, where the Expos would play for three years until the team's new home is ready at a site in a run-down neighborhood on the Anacostia River, about 15 blocks south of the U.S. Capitol."
I love sports but I'm against any government's financial involvements in amusements. If the team can't find the support to build their own stadiums (no matter what else it might be used for), it whouldn't happen.

Posted by Dean at 2:50 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 4 October 2004 2:51 PM CDT
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Thursday, 30 September 2004
Potential Election Problems?
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Politics
First, the Democrats just won't let go of Florida. In this article from the Orlando Sentinel,
"Gov. Jeb Bush lashed out at Jimmy Carter on Tuesday, saying the former president was off base in criticizing Florida elections.

"In a Washington Post column Monday, Carter called Secretary of State Glenda Hood and other Florida election officials 'highly partisan' and accused the governor of doing nothing to fix it."
"On Monday, a federal appeals court revived a lawsuit filed by Florida Democratic Rep. Robert Wexler (news, bio, voting record), who is demanding that all touchscreen voting machines in Florida produce a paper record of every vote cast."
Also there is this story:
"Problems loom for the presidential election including voting equipment changes that could delay the outcome past Nov. 2, a group of international observers said Tuesday in a report.

"A five-member team from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a 55-state security group invited by the Bush administration, also pointed to problems with voter registration lists and provisional and absentee ballots, allegations of voter intimidation and slow implementation of the Help America Vote Act."
Finally (for now anyway), Bill Hobbs is collecting stories of voter fraud (tip from WORLD magazine blog).

Posted by Dean at 3:40 PM CDT
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