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Tuesday, 5 October 2004
GOP Gets House to Nix Draft Bill 402-2
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Baseball Playoffs
Topic: Politics
I'm not too sure about the headline, but this should put an end to all the draft talk:
"The House voted 402-2 to defeat the draft bill offered last year by Rep. Charles Rangel (news, bio, voting record), D-N.Y.

"Even he urged Democrats to vote against the bill, and charged Republicans were cynically trying to use the measure to escape election-season questions about the war in Iraq (news - web sites)."
Since Rangel voted against the bill he introduced, I wonder who's really being cynical?

Posted by Dean at 10:20 PM CDT
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Thursday, 7 October 2004 - 3:08 PM CDT

Name: Ben
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Great posts:)...

You are so right...this was a very cynical move by Charlie Rangel...John McCain made clear a long time ago that there would be no draft...and Democrats have clung onto the idea, I think, both because some Republicans and conservatives starting talking about it, but, mostly, I think, out of the same fear that drives too much of policy, these days...

Also...I really appreciate your criticism of John Kerry's plan to institute mandatory public's a terrible idea that will likely be about as effective as forcing your children to go to church when they don't want to does for inspiring faith...

I've been pretty discouraged, lately, Dean, about the prospects that Americans and everyone might take seriously the deepest commitment to freedom and democracy...but I have to say that your posts sustain my hope:):):)...

I think we may be in a moment, Dean, where we might just be ready to expect that Americans -- all of us -- grow up:):)...meaning that we learn to take care of ourselves and each other, better, and rely less on government to do it for us:):):)'s still far from my expectations...but I guess I can learn to grow up, too, and learn to be more patient...and come to terms with the fact that most of our largest ideals come to fruition with our support, but not necessarily in our lifetimes...

But it's nice to see a lot of people that I respect moving in similar directions...

Talk with you soon, Dean:)...


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