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Topic: Blogging
Traveling around blogs written by Wisconsinites:
Lance Burri writes about the recent Institute for Wisconsin's Future report on taxes in Wisconsin.
Owen at Boots & Sabers posts an incredible story on one little piece of the Battle of Fallujah.
The American Mind celebrated five years blogging over the weekend. He shares some reflections of "the old days." (thanks to Boots & Sabers for the tip)
Jay at Folkbum's Rambles and Rants is on hiatus until at least Jan. 1 when he says he will unveil a new template. I look forward to it. He also posts every Monday on Liberal Street Fighter (the link is his latest column).
On the GarveyBlog on, Ed Garvey talks about the anniversary of Saddam's capture and the cost of the Iraq War.
Charlie Sykes discusses James Sensenbrenner's opposition to the Intelligence Bill.
kris makes some good points about ID's and voting.
Blogging Right 'On Wisconsin' makes a point about Israeli security and sees some implications for the Iraqi elections.
Ann Althouse says today's news of Scott Peterson's death sentence has reaffirmed her opposition to the death penalty.
That's all for now. Maybe I'll post more as I get the chance to read them.
Posted by Dean
at 10:15 PM CST